Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Hyperactive Text Making Loco, Can’t See Straight

The project website is still evolving, but it’s live, functional, and reasonably attractive. It took a solid couple of weeks of thinking about content and organization, and learning enough html and css to code it myself. (I have issues with Content Management Systems, with anything that puts thick layers between me and the end result.) 

Funny thing though. I sent my first email announcement to 400+ personal contacts yesterday, with a link to the site. Just after I hit send, one of the recipients, my quasi-cousin Rick Perlstein, tweeted a nice plug. That prompted the realization that I had not yet set up site analytics...and I wanted to see how many hits I was getting from Rick’s tweet (he has 38k followers). Somehow, in pasting in the magic html code that enables Google to track my site traffic, I broke the most important pages on the site, leaving them unfunctional for several hours before I noticed. 

Oh well. People love to complain about modern technology, but making a goof like this and being able to fix it a few hours later beats noticing a mistake on a poster after you printed 500 copies.

Anyway I’m glad to turn most of my attention from site-building back to practicing and also booking, which is turning out to be surprisingly fun (more on that in a future post).

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