Monday, September 23, 2024

Wolcott writeup

Posted this yesterday. I rushed to get it up in time for the publication of a feature in the Wall Street Journal that mentioned the Wolcott concert and included a video clip from it; I wanted to be able to include a writeup link in the WSJ piece.

As I mention in the writeup, Wolcott made the list of concerts marked by climate-chaos-caused weather extremes. Originally scheduled for June, we had to postpone it because of a freak tornado warning; while the entire state was under a tornado watch. It was a standout concert for happier reasons too—our first house concert, it was in the chapel built by Steve Young after Medieval Norwegian and Scottish models. You can read all about that, with links to more info, at the writeup.

I may have buried the lede a bit—the WSJ article was a big deal for me! But that will get its own post.

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